Day 9, no nicotine. 

Howdy. I just wanted to let you all know that I’m doing ok. I’ve had some bad days in terms of my overall mental and physical wellbeing — really a few bad weeks — but what’s weird (weird-good) is that I don’t think it’s permanent and I know I’ll figure this shit out. 

Even before quitting nicotine I was an over-wound ball of irritability. After quitting nicotine I just kind of had an irritability meltdown leading to a series of small-to-medium explosions. 

Then I’d have a great night’s sleep (like my last post) and all would seem crazy good. Super duper good. Too good?

Today I am going to focus on finding middle ground. I will get my body moving, eat some nourishing food (I’ve been feeding the irritability beast with a lot of sugary foods), and I will take a deep breath before I lose my marbles for the four hundredth time in three weeks. 

Side note: I am on vacation with my husband on Orcas Island. This could either be the perfect way to unwind and practice zen-ness, or my poor husband is trapped in an oversized dusty Airbnb in the woods with his crazy ex drinker/smoker wife who is losing her bearings and probably her mind.

But there are a bunch of puzzles here. 

Please wish me (and my poor husband) good luck. 



4 thoughts on “Day 9, no nicotine. 

  1. Best of luck! I only managed to stop smoking when I found myself standing with a cigarette in one hand and a positive pregnancy test in the other…. that was the last day I smoked 18 February 2013. I still get cravings. I’m day 3 alcohol free and my craving for nicotine were far more intense than my cravings for alcohol have been …. so far!


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